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Performance Pilates provides state-of-the-art equipment in a supportive environment designed to inspire you towards personal growth and perfect health. We are a Private Pilates Studio offering Personal Programming, Group and Individual Training with STOTT PILATES® and Balanced Body Equipment including Mats, Reformers, Cadillacs, and Stability Chairs.

Performance Pilates STL offers training coursesPilates is a comprehensive exercise system, as well as an excellent complement to other exercise methods. The exercises create balance between strength and flexibility, promote lean, long muscles and enhance core stability. The improved awareness of functional movements expands the body’s ability in specific sports movements, and helps prevent injury. Pilates is a superb addition to weight loss and/or weight redistribution programs.

The regular use of Pilates will improve Sports Performance, Rehabilitation, and provide a stable foundation to sustain fitness, and wellness for the rigors of everyday life.